Kitbashed Underworld Team

Warpstone Troll, Part 3

In the previous post I had finished colour blocking the troll.  After that I was straight into black lining, and on a model this big this was a really fun and surprisingly quick process (hence this update following so hot on the heels of the prior post).

As you can see I pulled my finger out and finished building and painting one of the hand options.  This is the same carnifex claw that I planned to use on the original river troll based conversion, but with the slightly smaller size of the Troggoth the full claw looked just a bit too over the top, so I cut away one segment of the claw to leave a slightly smaller yet still very imposing claw.  Painting this was one of the most fun parts of working on this model.

The plan for player numbers on this team is to do American Football style numbering (i.e. not the usual BB 1-16, but 2 digit numbers anywhere from 01 to 99). I find layering the black outline number on top of the block white number from the human team gives me a player number in a suitable style.

The black lining is not perfect in many places, and I made a hatchet job of the cross hatching in particular in some areas. But overall I’m pretty happy, this troll should be a decent centre piece for the future team.

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