Any photo of an old cemetary shows that gravestones discolour with age and become covered with lichen. I had bought a couple of sprues of Renedra’s excellent value headstones to go …more
Blood Bowl Undead
System: Blood Bowl
Techniques: Kitbashing, scenery
Status: On hold (team complete, pitch in pieces in the attic)
After spending almost an entire year making my last pitch, Wildwood Meadows (a wood elf themed blood bowl pitch in a forest glade) I thought any desire I had to make fully modelled blood bowl pitches was exhausted. But when discussion turned to the new season of my local blood bowl league (Stenchbowl) I decided I wanted to run an Undead team, and quickly became excited about converting the team and making a new pitch.
This project is a chance for me to fix some of the mistakes I made on the Wood Elf pitch (and team) and produce something even more impressive to play over next season. The concept is of course that the team, The Hel Fenn Headstones, plays among a graveyard (or, as the Empire calls it, a Garden of Morr). I am looking forward to the challenge of making a playable pitch replete with headstones and tombs – and for the chance to finally convert and paint some Undead.
Undead Team – Skeletons & Ghouls
It feels sensible to document the actual team build as well as the pitch. After all, the team is what prompted the entire project! Over time, I’ve been slowly hording …more
Converting Blood Bowl “Mummies”
The problem with mummies… Mummies were in the Warhammer canon for Old World Undead when Blood Bowl was created. Later they were written out of the army because their Egyptian …more
Modelling a Verdigris Covered Statue
Note: this all happened before Games Workshop released a technical paint to achieve an effect like this. Nowadays you could just use a pot of Nihilakh Oxide and get a …more
Gretchen Wachter, Blood Bowl Wraith
Even more so than most star players, Gretchen is a player I’ll almost certainly never actually use in a game. Not only are star players vanishingly rare in Blood Bowl …more
Finally, a ball
I’ve been turning up to games for years and going “ooh, do you have a ball by any chance?”. This was a super quick hobby project to correct that. Now …more