In the previous post I had finished colour blocking the troll. After that I was straight into black lining, and on a model this big this was a really fun …more
Warpstone Troll, Part 2
I mentioned that the Troggoth kit comes with plenty of spare arms so I bashed out a practice piece. Here I was testing 3 things – the idea of clearly …more
Randomly finishing some Necrons
Here’s a bit of a bolt from the blue with a couple of completed units from this basically abandoned Necron project. I rediscovered the Necrons at some point recently, and …more
Finally, a ball
I’ve been turning up to games for years and going “ooh, do you have a ball by any chance?”. This was a super quick hobby project to correct that. Now …more
Warpstone Troll, Take 2
This is my second attempt at an Underworld Troll, last time I started making one from a river troll loaded up with cork rocks to represent the warpstone growing from its …more
Dungeonbowl Accessories
My only completed hobby project in June was the set of treasure chests and portals from Dungeonbowl. Bit of a slow down this month due to needing to work on …more
Blood Bowl Troll
After the painstaking process of painting a Skaven Linerat in comic book style I was on the hunt for something speedy. In the best tradition of “finishing your stuff”, I …more
Comic Book Style
In the last post on this Underworld project I alluded to a change in direction for the project. Some of the models in this project are among the favourite I …more
Gretchen Wachter, Blood Bowl Wraith
Even more so than most star players, Gretchen is a player I’ll almost certainly never actually use in a game. Not only are star players vanishingly rare in Blood Bowl …more
Etherfields, Part 1
Last year I took a punt on the board game Etherfields, one of those sprawling kickstarter board game/miniature game hybrids. This had been backed by someone at the local club …more
More throwers, and a 2nd blitzer
Recently I’ve been getting excited about my Underworld team again and I intend to pick up this project soon and take a slightly different direction with it. Before I do, …more
Servitors Attached to Buildings!
I have been on a tear since our first game of Acolyte prompted me to kitbash and paint some new Inquistorial agents. Since finishing those I have been at the …more
Kill Team Acolyte Characters
I discovered the fan made Kill Team supplement Acolyte around the start of 2023. I enjoy collabrative games far more than head to head ones, and have always loved the …more
Gregor The Shredder
From the start, the concept for my Muties stemmed from some of the campaign background written by the organiser. On this cut-off planet, an ancient garison of Imperial Fists had …more
Original Hero Quest
2023 has been turning into another one of those “write off” years where I get almost nothing done. After finishing my Muties at the start of the year and posting …more
Wormherd – Beastmaster Wyrd
Alongside Scales this is the most involved kitbash in the project, and perhaps ever. It’s also the one that went through the biggest change midway through. The concept here was …more
Mungo & Beast
Mungo and Beast follow similar formulas. I made Beast first, and liked him so much I decided to do another one along the same lines. They’re both essentially Ash Wastes …more
Shank & Reptile
I’m posting Shank and Reptile together as they were probably the simplest and quickest models to build. Shank is a beastman. I’m not totally happy with the model, mainly as …more
Scales – Classic Scaly Homage
I had originally intended to include a mutant feral Ogryn in my warband but this model was one of the “false starts” I mentioned in the previous post. At some …more
Quasi & Modo – Hunchback Muties
Throughout this project there have been a lot of false starts – models put together that for some reason just didn’t work. Some looked to my eye like a cheap …more
Baharroth, The Cry of the Wind
Approaching the finish line with this project (“this project” being the full Phoenix Court of Khaine with largely modernised converted Phoenix Lords). Baharroth is the 4th Phoenix Lord I’ve converted …more
Inquisitor Hybris Khronos
2022 has been a very slow year, modelling wise – obviously so when you consider that the last post (at the time of writing) was in February and that was …more
Part 2: Track & Ballast
We laid the track out again for testing, as this would be the first opportunity to see how the track and engines performed on the contoured baseboard. I screwed it …more
Part 1: Baseboard Construction
This journey started at RMWeb. Being somebody with zero experience in model railways I needed to seek out the experts and my research quickly showed me that the forums there …more