After sticking the two halves of the torso together the first job is to remove the Marine detail from the chest armour, ideally without taking off the top rim of …more
Squat Exo Armour
Some time ago I stumbled across Mikko’s phenomenal converted Squats in Exo Armour (I’d link, but the site is no longer live). These models have immediate impact and look perfect for Squats! I immediately assumed that Mikko had used models from a non-GW manufacturer that I was unaware of. However, it soon became clear that these were actually kit bashed from Games Workshop models!
For a long time I simply couldn’t understand how these Squats in Exo Armour had been converted, not even which base models were used. I asked in the comments and searched for any work in progress photos or descriptions without luck. Eventually it dawned on me that the base model for the conversion is the Space Marine Centurion kit, beautifully altered into Exo Armour, and I decided the only way to know for sure how to make one of these incredible conversions was to do it myself.
In this project I take you through a detailed work in progress tutorial for converting a Squat in Exo Armour similar to Mikko’s. Obviously I can take no glory for coming up with the idea for this model and nearly everything is shamelessly copied from Mikko. I would like to thank him for gifting the community such an awesome idea and opening my eyes to what might be possible with a carefully converted Centurion kit, which is generally considered to be awful. As I worked my way through the kit bash it really showed what a fantastic, subtle conversion these Exo Armoured Squats really are.
Part 2: Feet
By the time you’re finished with this stage you should have a couple of suit feet like this: The most notable change to the feet of the Centurion suit is …more
Part 3: A Dwarf in a Suit
For this stage you’ll need a dwarf. I picked up a few from different kits to try out, using a well known bits site. Eventually I decided I liked the …more
Part 4: Leg Servos
The kit comes with some nice two strut articulated leg servos. Naturally the stock servos are too long for our stunted occupant. To add them you have a few options. The …more
Part 5: Arms
The Centurion power fists are highly detailed with Marine iconography. You will need to remove this with a sharp scalpel as with the other detail we have sliced and scraped …more
Part 6: Finishing Touches
I added the power hoses connecting the weaponry to the main body of the suit. I wasn’t sure I wanted these until the end, but once the arms were attached …more
Part 7: Painting
I’ve continued my March painting spree (hey, it’s a spree by my standards) by finally finishing the Squat Miner in Exo Armour. This is another laughably delayed finish, having first …more