I’ve had these Warhammer Black Orcs in my bits box for years, I bloody love the models and am so happy to have a reason to use them! My favourite …more
Blood Bowl Orcs
System: Blood Bowl
Techniques: Kitbashing, glazing, wet blending, desert bases
Status: Work In Progress
Half way through my Wildwood Wanderers Wood Elf team project, I got suddenly inspired to create an Orc team when I remembered that years previously I had picked up boxes of 40k Ork Boyz and Warhammer Black Orcs.
The Ork Boyz were for a short lived “Deff Korps” project where I intended to sculpt and cast my own resin kit of trenchcoat wearing Orks inspired by Forgeworld’s Death Corps of Krieg. The Black Orcs I think I mainly bought because the models were just that good although they got a brief outing when I tried to combine their torsos with Dark Elf cold one bodies to make Dragon Ogres for my fledgling Chaos army.
Either way, neither kit was properly used until my new Blood Bowl project brought them out of the depths of my bits box and onto the painting desk. It just goes to show that at least some of those spur of the moment purchases end up going to a good cause.
One of the things I love about Blood Bowl is the chance to model and paint lots of different races while only having to complete a dozen or so models. The Orcs are certainly no exception to this, as ever since Brian Nelson revolutionised the design of Games Workshops’s greenskins I have loved their imagery and really wanted to have a go at modelling them, but the usual prospect of 100+ models has put me off.
An Orc & Norse Modelling Day
Today John popped round randomly and we had a bit of an old school modelling day. He helped me with the pitch (updates to come, hopefully tomorrow) and then decided …more
Painting begins
On the Orc team I wanted to try a different way of painting to my usual approach. Usually I start from a dark base colour, with a wash (usually GW’s …more
Da Doktor will see you now…
Last night I started building an apothecary for my Orc team. Not that he is a doctor that you’d be particularly pleased to be sent to… For a while now …more
Picking a uniform
I’ve struggled quite a lot with a good uniform for the Orc team. My first vision was quite bright blue armour, with white details and purple clothes. I then tried …more
Painting continues
Made some better photos this morning. My home made diffusion box (basically a shoe box with windows cut in it, and thin white paper covering said windows) placed in bright …more
A tutorial for painting straps
The willingess to “move on” and also where/when I paint are key, I think. I have taken to having the current batch of models and the necessary paints, palette, brushes, …more
Back to the Gitflinga’s
I’ve turned my attention back to Gorfragg’s Gitflinga’s. Not the players mind you but options for the coaching staff. If there is one race that has received bagloads of characterful …more
Painting Gorfragg’s Gitflinga’s
While most of my attention in the last couple of months has been on finishing Wildwood Meadows, I’ve also been chipping away at the Orc team now and again, mostly …more
Tutorial: Sandy Desert or Scrubland Bases
In this tutorial, I’ll write a step by step guide showing you how to make sandy desert bases that look like this: Before we get to the tutorial, …more
Painted Boyz
I made a push to finally get the majority of Gorfragg’s Gitflinga’s painted. There’s still the troll, coaching staff and probably a couple of goblins to go, but it’s nice …more
Painted Coach
This month I’ve basically finished a monumental reorganisation and tidy up of the man cave. As part of this, I’ve rediscovered quite the haul of old models and projects, and …more
Blood Bowl Troll
After the painstaking process of painting a Skaven Linerat in comic book style I was on the hunt for something speedy. In the best tradition of “finishing your stuff”, I …more